Friday, June 20, 2008

Niki at Night

One of the must see exhibits of the summer!
What real women look like - Niki Nanas

All Religions - Les Temple ideal

La Cabeza - the smiling skull - Jennifer should be especially interested for her class when she teaches about the Day of the Dead
Inside the skull - breathtaking! This is roomy enough for several adults to sit comfortably

Louis Armstrong - enough said...

Nana gone wild

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summertime in St. Louis - if we were only this cool

Senior Lock In - The Long Goodbye to Friends for Life

Parents Mixin' it up for the graduates Casino night
All night DJ and Karaoke
Corey and Rachel prepare for the joust
Corey beating up girls
Corey and Eric sing it up
Go Corey go
Doug deals out cards and trash talk with the boys

Improv is really funny at 3:30 in the a.m.
Our senior basketball varsity boys don the jerseys we had made
And they are...
The party's over - a good time was had by all

Affton High School Class of 2008 - We're Proud of you Corey!

What to wear for the big dayPrincipal Morris Announces the start of Commencement
Anticipation - the journey begins
I Pledge Allegiance

The big moment at last

Grinning ear to ear on a job well done

Whose hat is this anyway?
Grandma and Grandpa Chenot
Grandma Beck
The extremely proud parents - we love you Corey!