Thursday, April 3, 2008

Old Family Pictures...

Guess who - with Grandma Sartori (that's Swiss you know) Sargent Michael Burke - Badge #102 of the Saint Louis Metropolitan Police - paternal great grandpa
Margaret (nee Coyne) Burke - paternal great grandma - poor gal was only 27 when she died leaving behind five children (Margaret, Beatrice, Agnes, John and Ambrose) and a husband - look at how pretty she is
Grandma Margaret (nee Burke) and Albert Chenot - paternal grandparents - her middle name is Ignatius
The Chenot's wedding day -grandma and grandpa are on the right side - the bridesmaid is grandma's sister - Bea (I think)
Millie Niemuth and Lorenz Sartori - maternal grandparents
Mildred Niemuth - isn't she something!
Lorenz and Mildred Sartori on their wedding day
The Sartori clan - Lefty, Millie and children - starting at the left Mitzi, Lefty (or Sonny), Marilyn and Lydia
The Cunningham girls - Doug's maternal grandma and aunts - Eleanor, Pat and Carol

Earl (or Bud -they all had code names) and Eleanor nee Cunningham Poertner with Dolores Cunningham on their wedding day - maternal grandparents
This, I believe is Doug's great, great grandparents whose names I am determined to find out - this picture was in a frame of Dorothy Beck's which is Doug's paternal grandma. Hint to all - always put the name of your subjects on the back of photos!!!!
Dorothy (nee Dohack) and Edward Beck - Doug's paternal grandparents -not too many old pictures of them exist
The Sartori boys - not sure who's who but they are Lorenz, Alois, Raymond and Clarence - this was taken in their backyard of a house rumored to once be a houseboat which was hauled up from the Mississippi river and still exists to this day on Nebraska street.
The Sartori boys playing marbles and I believe the one in the hat to be my Grandpa Lefty and the other boy to be Uncle Clarence

Tau Lambda Sigma Mom's Weekend

This was another event in the "last" catagory - this was the final Mom's weekend at Truman - here's to starting different memories and traditions when Kara graduates this spring - thank you Kara - you always make me proud
Leah and Kara
Gail, Leah and Jan
The very proud mom and daughter

The angry aunt
Wow - how many chins can two sisters have

The three of us!
Kara and a Communist Russian woman hoping to hear the "Good News" Can I get an amen!Kara and Becky at Java Co

Somebody's been at school way tooooo long

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easter Sunday

The big bunny
Michael T Michael and Matthew

Mom and Frunkavich

Lisa and Michael


Crazy Saint Louis snow

Mom and Dad


Lisa Brown

Doug and Matthew

After the snow...

Big Snow in St. Louis

The finished bottle tree

Flynn and Clancy enjoying the snow (actually they're looking for the rabbit they killed earlier in the day which I had to pick up- gross!)