Monday, July 30, 2007

Semper Fi - Pvt. David M. Chenot - United States Marine Corp.

It's Official Semper Fi Always Faithful We Love You David! Official Marine Corp seal
Chenot clan

Proud grandparents Grandpa and Grandma Chenot

At the relentless urging of his adoring family, David shows us a few combat moves on an unwillingly participant Aunt Lisa

One more

Aw come on one more time!

Doug and Ramona phone junkies

Kara and Curtis


Proud Dad

Proud parents

Private David M. Chenot United States Marine

Almost official

Contributing photojournalist from our San Diego bureau Ramona Droege

What's a girl to wear

These are dresses that I bought
for my mom and dad's
50th anniversary and my
godson's wedding - the first
dresses I've bought in
about 5 or more years Tina &

Bottle tree...almost

Bottle trees are big in the south - they were brought to America by slaves from the Congo who believed that the bottle trees would capture evil spirits. This is the start of mine. It's a sapling.

Camping with the boys

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Uncle Joe...always in my heart

For when the Great Scorer
comes to write against your name
he writes not that you won or lost
but how you played the game

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bellefontaine and Calvary Cemetaries

Busch Family...
this Bud's for you

William Clark

Calvary Cemetary

Hunt Family

Nez Perce Memorial